This unique internet-humor style has gained prominence among those who enjoy memes that flip traditional humor on its head. The subreddit /r/antimeme is a space where users share memes that deliberately reject your typical humor, instead focusing on anti-jokes, irony and randomness. These memes often feature simple or minimalist designs that avoid the usual visual elements of your standard meme. The humor comes from their refusal to be funny in the conventional sense, with punchlines that cleverly subvert expectations. By breaking away from established forms of internet humor, these jokes offer a fresh and unique perspective.
They cater to people who are bored of the same predictable jokes and are looking for something more unconventional and unexpected. As a result, /r/antimeme has grown into a notable community for fans of offbeat humor. The subreddit’s quirky content and creative members make it a go-to place for anyone looking to explore new forms of meme-making. Here are 10 top-rated examples from this unique corner of the web.
1) He Do Be Acting

2) Well, I Guess We Do

3) Shark

4) Can’t Fault That Logic

5) We’d Panic Too

6) Thanks, Brain

7) Bob The Cat

8) Best Version Of This Meme

9) Farewell

10) Quick Maths