It’s great when people take pride in their roots, and patriotism is something America holds in high regard. Millions of Americans are proud of their country, but sometimes this boisterous patriotism can overshadow basic knowledge and common sense, which can become problematic. Of course, not all Americans fall into this category, but some of the things that get said online can come off as downright delusional. While America is undoubtedly a large and influential country, the self-importance some people project can be a bit … extreme.
There are Americans who seem to believe they have authority over the rest of the world, convinced of their own superiority, and they’re often very loud about it. These outlandish claims can be found all over the web, and fortunately, many of them get shared for the rest of us to laugh at. Here are 10 comments from Americans that are just a bit too far out of touch.
1) Please Don’t Embarrass Us

2) 3.5 Little Countries

3) Pizza Is Exclusively American, OK?

4) Interesting Logic

5) No Such Thing As The ‘European Dream’

6) Don’t Make The Italians Mad

7) Alright, This One’s Fair

8) End Of Discussion?

9) This Is For A Kid’s Room People

10) Well, They’re British