We were all young once, though it sometimes feels like we’ve aged in fast-forward with all the political turmoil, constant uncertainty and global events that rock society. Life seemed simpler in the ’90s, and our biggest worries seemed to fade away — despite the significant socio-economic issues that were still present but easier to avoid without social media constantly in our faces.
Today, ’90s nostalgia hits harder than ever. It feels like we’ve been stuck in the 2020s forever, but every now and again, something pops up that takes us right back to the good ole days. We miss the simpler times of buying crazy erasers at book fairs and struggling through basic math classes. Thanks to some Redditors who have perfectly captured the feeling of growing up in the 1990s, here are some of the most oddly specific images from our childhoods to remind you that we all shared the same experiences.
1) These Old Mac Commercials

2) This Always Equals A Good Day

3) Twisted Metal

4) Best Way To Store VHS

5) Good Old PSP

6) Styrofoam Gliders

7) RIP Circuit City

8) That Wendy’s Yello

9) OP Wallets

10) See-Through Electronics